Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No chemo this week. . .

No chemo this week because Lauren's ANC is only 100. The preliminary report was 400, so her port was deaccessed and her IV antibiotics stopped. We'll have to wait until tomorrow AM to see if we need to do anything else, she looks great so I doubt we will have to restart the antibiotics but we'll find out. It would have been the 6th week of chemotherapy, I guess there's always next week;) Hopefully her ANC rises enough by then. On a positive note her abdominal ultrasound showed no residual cancer. Her spleen was a bit enlarged and her remaining kidney had grown some, so they will have to be followed with her regular ultrasounds. Tomorrow is Brady's birthday and he is super excited so more to come. . .

1 comment:

Jules said...

Tonight JoJo prayed that Lauren would "have hair". I explained that chemo makes your hair fall out, and Jo is worried about Lauren looking like a boy. We're working on a hat for her, so that her head "won't be cold" (according to JoJo.) :)