Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Missing 2 front teeth. . .well sort of

December 17th, 2011
In December Brady was SO excited to finally have a loose tooth. We wiggled it and jiggled it for a few weeks so it was super loose, but he didn't want me to pull it out. I tried a little once and it made a horrible noise and bled a bit (which scared Brady) so I stopped. I remember my dad would always promise he would just "look" at my loose tooth, but would always yank it out. It made me cry for a second then I was excited it was out:) You think I would have stopped showing him.

I happened to notice his adult tooth growing in behind it so I really wanted to get the baby one out. My brother Greg (AKA the Dentist) did the old floss around the tooth and shut the door. Well it worked and the tooth went flying! We looked and looked but couldn't ever find it. Brady wanted the tooth fairy to come, but NO TOOTH! He wrote her a little note and she came!!!

Well, fast forward a few weeks later and ditto! His adult tooth was growing in behind again! His tooth wasn't as loose this time, but Brock and I tied the floss then I had Brady shut the back door (because he was worried I would shut it too hard). The tooth came right out, but this time it was still hanging by the floss. He was super excited to see what it looks like (and his blood hole - as he terms it). It bled for a little bit but he was super excited to have a tooth to take to school so he could get a tooth box. The tooth fairy left 4 quarters this time (no $ bill in stock I guess;). He was excited to have the money and even more excited to take the tooth to school. I told him the tooth fairy knows how much he wanted to keep it so that is why she left it.

January 17th, 2012
Tonight he (on the umpteenth time of coming out of bed. . .Just got out again and it's almost 9:30PM!!) asked me if I left the money under his pillow (which I of course denied immediately) because Logan at school said the tooth fairy isn't real! Man, way to take some fun and excitement away Logan!!! I told him the tooth fairy doesn't visit Logan because he doesn't believe in him. Then he asked if she was going to come again tonight since he still has his tooth. . .LOL. Smart kid:)


alli said...

Smart kid! I still showed Dad my teeth too...not sure why. One time he pulled out the wrong one (on purpose).

Rebecah Ogden said...

I can't believe he's lost his two teeth! he's growing up too fast. f

The Hall's Wall said...

I'm with Becah...amazing..what a kid!